



Beginning in February 2025, we will be enforcing skill levels of pickleball
play during different time slots. You must pass the tests below to play
with that group of players. We will still offer all-level play at certain times.

At the Bedford YMCA there are 3 levels of players:
BEGINNER (2.0-2.5)
No testing required.
Skill: a drop shot from transition area (middle of the court)
Hitting forehand (7/10) and backhand (7/10) from transition area, be
able to drop 7 of 10 tries in the kitchen area of the court.
ADVANCED (3.5 & above)
Skill: a drop shot from baseline of the court
Hitting forehand (7/10) and backhand (7/10) from the baseline, be
able to drop 7 of 10 tries in the kitchen area of the court.

Ball will be paddle-fed to you from the kitchen line on the other side of the
net. A successful drop bounces in the kitchen on the other side of the net.
You may retest once per week, see a director to test.
Please attend a skills session if you would like to practice your drop shot
outside of playing to move up a level. Videos can help you learn and give
you hints to practice.
Record of tests will be kept at the YMCA for ability to play during each skill
level’s time. You may play down a level in skill, but not up.

Did you know that members and guests can play Pickleball anytime there is open gym time?
Click here to check out our Gymnasium Schedule. 

We also have outdoor courts that are open with our facility hours.
Click here to see Sport Park hours.

Whether you want to play outside or in the gym, sign in with the Member Services Desk and check out any needed equipment!

Pickleball Pass – $3 (only covers pickup pickleball)

Most of our Pickleball players use the “playtime scheduler” app to coordinate their games. It is a free app available on most app stores. This is not a YMCA app.

Most of our Pickleball players use the “playtime scheduler” app to coordinate their games. It is a free app available on most app stores. This is not a YMCA app.