



Monday-Thursday: 8am-12pm and 5:15pm-7:30pm

Friday: 8am-12pm

Saturday: 8am-11:30

Sunday: CLOSED

 If you would like to request hours or have any questions please contact
Vanessa Mitchum at [email protected]

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Room capacity is 12 children




*Children may be taken outside and/or to other areas of the facility to accommodate more than 12 if the childwatch counselor elects*

Wellness Policy

It is our sincere desire to provide quality care for your children while you are participating in various Y services and programs. For safety and well-being of all children and staff, the following health and wellness policies will be enforced.

Children may not participate in the Y Nursery program if one or more of the following conditions exist:

  • The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in nursery
  • The illness results in a greater need than the Y staff can provide without
    compromising the health and safety of other children
  • The child has any of the following conditions:

-A fever of 100.0 degrees or higher. Child must be fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication before they can return.

-If “YES” is answered to any of our health screening questions.

-Continuous and/or colored nasal drainage. A current note from a physician can be provided if drainage is caused by an allergy.


-Vomiting within a 24-hour period

-Communicable diseases (eye discharge, pink eye, head lice, skin rash, chicken pox, whooping cough, cold sores, etc.)

Your child will require 24-hour exclusion from the nursery if any of the above-mentioned conditions exists. If your child is not contagious, but presents any of the above-mentioned conditions, we will gladly accept a doctor’s note.

Nursery Rules

The nursery is intended to be a non-structured drop-in child care service for the convenience of YMCA members while exercising at our YMCA.

  • Everyone must sanitize their hands and their children’s hands each time they enter the nursery.
  • The nursery is for children ages 6 weeks to 8-years-old. All infants must be in a car/baby seat provided by the parent.
  • There is a time limit of 2 hours per session per child. There is a limit of 12 children in the nursery at any given time.
  • Parents/Guardians must stay in the building while their children are in the nursery and must let the nursery staff know what part of the facility they will be located in.
  • Only YMCA staff, nursery participants, and parents/guardians are allowed in the nursery.
  • Children must be signed in and out of the nursery. If someone other than the parent/guardian who signs the children in will be signing the children out, the staff must be informed and will require a valid ID to be presented.
  • Parents/guardians will be called for the following: diaper changes, illness, crying lasting longer than 10 minutes, and discipline problems. Timely response is expected.
  • Drinks must be in a spill-proof container with lid and labeled.
  • The YMCA nursery is not responsible for member’s or guest’s belongings.
  • Children that are not members of the YMCA are allowed in the nursery at a fee of $8.00 per child per hour. Non-member space is limited to 5. 

Child Rules

  • No running in the nursery.
  • Keep toys out of your mouth.
  • No balls in the nursery (i.e. basketballs, soccer, volleyball, etc.)
  • You are more than welcome to bring you own toy but you are responsible for your toy. We are not responsible for anything that is lost, stolen, or broken.
  • We allow snacks in the nursery but you must provide your own. All snacks and drinks must be eaten at the table with spill proof cups.
  • We do not allow bullying of any kind. Bullying can result in dismissal from the nursery at any time. Bullying is any form of aggression, i.e. hitting, kicking, biting, name calling, etc.
  • Please use appropriate language.
  • Children will be treated with respect and are expected to be respectful as well.
  • Be respectful of toys and nursery furnishings.